BaseCodeBuilder provides basic features useful for generating code in most C-style programming langauges, such as indentation, if blocks, and so on. HackBuilder extends BaseCodeBuilder with features of the Hack language.

When using Hack Codegen, BaseCodeBuilder is not usually used directly: HackBuilder is used to generate function/method bodies and pseudo-main code, and higher-level APIs are used to create classes, functions, etc.

The recommended way to get an instance of a HackBuilder is to first get an instance of a HackCodegenFactory, then call ->codegenHackBuilder() on it.


$builder->add('some code'); is the lowest-level function: it appends the string you provide to the generated code. On top of this, there is:

  • ->addLine('some code'): also adds a newline
  • ->addLines($vector_of_lines): adds multiple lines

Many methods have a sprintf-style shortcut - eg:

  • ->addf('foo %s bar', $var)
  • ->addLinef('foo %s bar', $var)

As readable code is a goal of Hack Codegen, several whitespace helpers are provided:

  • ->ensureNewLine(): add a newline if we’re not currently at the start of a line
  • ->ensureEmptyLine(): adds newlines as needed to have an empty line before any more code
  • ->indent(): increase the number of spaces added to the start of any new non-empty lines (by default, this increases by 2 spaces - see IHackCodegenConfig to change this)
  • ->unindent(): do the opposite
  • ->addLineWithSuggestedLineBreaks(): any \0 in the input string is replaced with a space if it will still fit in the desired maximum line length, otherwise a newline is added (and indented if needed)
  • ->addMultilineCall($call, $args): either renders the call all on one line, or with one argument on one line, depending on if it can fit within the maximum line length

Finally, you can get the generated code as a string by calling ->getCode().


While the fundamentals can be combined with var_export() directly to generate code for values, Hack Codegen provides an extensible system to simplify this; the simplest interface to this is HackBuilder::addValue<T>(T $value, IHackBuilderValueRenderer<T> $formatter).

The two simplest renderers are:

  • HackBuilderValues::export() implements IHackBuilderValueRenderer<mixed>, so is able to render any value; it uses var_export(), but fixes up builtins to be instantiable, eg replacing HH\Vector { } with Vector { }
  • HackBuilderValues::literal() implements IHackBuilderValueRenderer<string>, and takes the value as literal code

More complicated renderers are available, including nested definitions for collections. Additionally, shortcuts are provided for common uses:

  • ->addAssigment('$someVar', $value, $renderer): assigns $value to $somevar
  • ->addReturn('$somevar', $value, $renderer): return $value from the current function

->addReturnf() is also available, however it always treats the final string as literal code.


Helpers are provided for common block constructs - eg:


See the reference documentation for details.

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