Designate machine-generated code so tools can distinguish it from human-generated code, and prevent manual edits of machine-generated code by embedding a simple checksum in generated source files
= Generating Signed Source =
When generating source, use SignedSource to sign the file. This will prevent it from being checked in if it is manually edited. Signing is a two step process:
1) Call SignedSource::getSigningToken() and embed the return string somewhere in your source file (generally, in a header comment). 1) After generating the file, call SignedSource::signFile($file).
For example:
$signature_token = SignedSource::getSigningToken(); $generated_file = «<EODOC /** * This file is generated. Do not modify it manually! * * {$signature_token} * …
$signed_file = SignedSource::signFile($generated_file); Filesystem::writeFileIfChanged(‘/path/to/generated/file’, $signed_file);
= Verifying Signed Source =
Use SignedSource::isSigned() to determine if a file has a signature or not. Then, use SignedSource::verifySignature() to verify a file’s signature:
$is_signed = SignedSource::isSigned($questionable_file); if ($is_signed) { $intact = SignedSource::verifySignature($questionable_file); if ($intact) { echo ‘File is signed with correct signature.’; } else { echo ‘File is signed with invalid signature. It has been edited!’; } }
Interface Synopsis
namespace Facebook\HackCodegen;
final class SignedSource extends SignedSourceBase {...}
Public Methods
::getDocBlock(?string $comment = NULL): string
Get the text for a doc block that can be used for an autogenerated file